Scouts BSA is a program of Boy Scouts of America for children in grades 6th through 12th grades. Like the Cub Scout program, the Scouts BSA program includes fun and excitement, much of it focused on outdoor activities. As BSA Scouts are older, they have many more activities open to them ranging from canoeing and horseback riding to shotguns and sailboating. Our troop is Scout-lead and utilizes the patrol method. Scouts in the troop are encourage to grow and take leadership positions, including planning activities and leading younger scouts in their participation and advancement experiences. Adult Scouters serve as coaches and advisors along the way.
While Troop 161 is charted in Roberts, WI and includes primarily St. Croix Central school district families, we have Scouts from neighboring areas as well.
From September through May, the Troop meets weekly on Tuesdays starting the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Roberts Village Park. While the meeting is overseen by at least 2 trained adult leaders, it is organized and run by Scout patrol leaders.
The troop plans an activity for one weekend a month that may range from camping or hiking outings to bowling or skiing trips.